FloraWorks News

Building Trust in Cannabinoids: Insights from FloraWorks CEO on The Dime Podcast

17 Jul
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"Can consumer trust in cannabinoids reshape the wellness industry?" Listen to FloraWorks CEO Alleh Lindquist on The Dime podcast for insights. 🌿🧬

At FloraWorks, we’re not just talking about the potential of cannabinoids; we’re proving it through rigorous scientific research and innovation. Our CEO, Alleh Lindquist, recently shared some exciting developments on The Dime podcast, highlighting how FloraWorks is leading the charge in reshaping the wellness industry with cannabinoid-based products.

Here’s what sets us apart:

1. Groundbreaking CBN Research: We've developed a proprietary and patented process for manufacturing CBN at scale, known as TruCBN™. Our double-blind placebo-controlled study has shown that TruCBN™ significantly improves sleep quality and duration. This isn’t just anecdotal evidence; it’s validated by science, ensuring that our products can make legitimate health claims.

2. TruCBN™ vs. Melatonin: Our research revealed that 50mg of TruCBN™, not only showed significant improvement over placebo but also outperformed the standard dose of melatonin. This positions TruCBN™ as a natural candidate to replace melatonin for consumers seeking natural sleep solutions.

3. CBN vs. CBD: While CBD has garnered significant attention, CBD faces significant regulatory challenges due to its classification as an epilepsy drug (Epidiolex). This prevents CBD from being marketed as a dietary ingredient. In contrast, CBN offers a clear path forward. Our studies have shown that TruCBN™ is not only effective for sleep but also meets the rigorous standards required for dietary ingredient status. For brands, this means CBN is a more viable and compliant option for developing sleep aids that consumers can trust.

4. The Future of TruCBN™: FloraWorks is pioneering the regulatory framework to establish TruCBN™ as a recognized dietary ingredient. This means our products are not only effective but also meet rigorous FDA safety and efficacy standards. This is the path that will lead to TruCBN™ becoming a mainstream sleep aid that you can find on the shelves of CVS or Costco.

5. Building Consumer Trust: Consumer confidence is crucial in the wellness industry. By focusing on scientific validation and transparency, we’re building a new paradigm where cannabinoid products can be trusted by mainstream consumers. Our partnerships with industry leaders like Grön and Wyld underscore the market’s trust in our innovative solutions.

6. Expanding Applications: Beyond sleep, we’re exploring the broader potential of cannabinoids. Our collaborations with the Salk Institute and the National Cancer Institute are investigating neuroprotective effects and cancer treatment possibilities. This research is opening new avenues for cannabinoid-based therapies, demonstrating their versatility and potential.

Why This Matters to Our B2B Partners:

Transformative Products: By incorporating TruCBN™ into your product lines, you can offer scientifically validated health benefits that resonate with consumers looking for effective and trustworthy wellness solutions.

Regulatory Compliance: Navigating the complex regulatory landscape is daunting, but FloraWorks is at the forefront, ensuring that our products comply with all necessary standards. Partnering with us means you’re aligning with a leader in regulatory compliance, paving the way for smoother market entry and consumer acceptance.

Market Differentiation: Stand out in a crowded market by offering products backed by solid scientific research. As CBD faces regulatory stagnation, TruCBN™ provides a unique opportunity to differentiate your brand with innovative and compliant cannabinoid products.

Consumer Confidence: With growing scrutiny over wellness claims, providing products that consumers can trust is essential. Our commitment to scientific validation and transparency helps build consumer confidence, driving brand loyalty and market growth.

Join the Revolution:

Tune in to The Dime podcast to hear more from Alleh Lindquist about how FloraWorks is reshaping the future of health and wellness with cannabinoids. Let’s lead the charge in transforming the wellness industry together!

Listen now: Can CBN Replace Melatonin? 🎧

#CannabinoidScience #Innovation #HealthRevolution #FloraWorks #TruCBN

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